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Therapy with Chris

Counselling in Bournemouth & Online


Building Resilience: How to Strengthen Your Mental and Emotional Wellbeing
My hope is that you’ve perhaps stumbled upon this blog, looking for ways to build resilience and strengthen your mental and emotional wellbeing. So, if that’s the case, let’s dive straight into the wonderful world of resilience. What is resilience? Resilience is like that bouncy ball you had as a kid – no matter how […]
How Transactional Analysis Can Help us to Understand Ourselves and Others
As a therapist trained in Transactional Analysis, I've witnessed first hand how this powerful therapeutic approach can transform lives and relationships. Developed by psychiatrist Eric Berne in the 1950s, Transactional Analysis (TA) offers profound insights into human behaviour and interaction patterns that I regularly use in my therapeutic work to help clients achieve meaningful personal […]
Exploring Gestalt Therapy
Many of us find ourselves constantly thinking about the past or worrying about the future. Gestalt therapy offers a way to break free from this cycle, find healing by focusing on the here and now and embrace the present moment for emotional healing. This powerful approach emphasises living in the present moment and understanding ourselves […]
Reframing – the what, the how and the why
Life unfolds as a complex tapestry of experiences, each moment woven with challenges, opportunities and unexpected twists. We often become trapped in mental labyrinths of negative thinking, struggling to see beyond our immediate circumstances. But what if we could unlock a powerful tool that transforms our perception and empowers us to navigate life's complexities with […]
How Person-Centred Therapy Can Help the LGBTQ+ Community
In the journey of self-discovery and personal growth, many LGBTQ+ people find themselves seeking therapeutic support to navigate the unique challenges they face. Person-centred therapy, with its emphasis on unconditional positive regard and empathetic understanding, offers a powerful framework for addressing the mental health needs of the LGBTQ+ community. This approach, rooted in the belief that […]
The Vital Link Between Sleep and Mental Health
In our fast-paced modern world, sleep often takes a back seat to work, social commitments and the endless scroll – or doom scroll – of digital entertainment. However, the importance of sleep for our mental health cannot be overstated. The relationship between sleep and mental wellbeing is complex; poor sleep affects our mental state and […]
Why Challenging Conversations Matter for Mental Health
Life often presents us with moments that require more than just casual chit-chat or suppressing how we truly feel by agreeing with others. Sometimes, we know that what is really needed is what we might call a "challenging conversation" – an exchange that pushes us beyond our comfort zone and invites us to confront our […]
Self-Care in a Fast-Paced World
Self-care has become a buzzword, often conjuring images of luxury spa days or expensive retreats. Yet real self-care isn't about indulgence - it's about maintaining your mental and physical health in a world that's constantly demanding more. The Basics Matter Sleep, nutrition, and exercise form the foundation of wellbeing. These aren't luxuries - they're necessities. […]
Navigating Social Media for Improved Mental Health
Social media is a double-edged sword: it can be a fantastic way to keep in touch with friends and family, stay updated on the latest news and even find inspiration. But on the flip side, it can seriously mess with your head. With recent statistics showing a strong link between social media use and mental […]
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